Monday, October 20, 2008

help myself help others.

The culture collage gave me an opportunity to examine what experiences, people, things, etc. that are important to me. Seeing these laid out on paper allowed me look at what has shaped my life up until this point and some things I would like to see happen in the future. A better understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses enables a person to become more self-aware. This self-awareness that I have gained will continue to shape me as a person and a teacher. Being aware of what I can do to help myself help others will make me a better teacher.

Culture has a significant role in developing a person. In everyone's collage, aspects of their unique culture were visible. For me, doing this collage made me see what is really important to me and what I embody or will in the future. My family, friends, and faith are the three main facets in my life that have shaped who I am and will shape me as a teacher. The better understanding one has of themselves the more self-aware a person becomes. Recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses and acknowldging them enables a person to cater to their strengths and develop their weaknesses. As a teacher, the more self-aware you are the better you become at realizing if you are providing your students with what they need and, if this is not the case, adapting to their specific needs. All students are unique and learn in different ways. Teachers need to be able to react on the spot and handle many different kinds of situations.

Furthermore, as a teacher, you need to be able to relate to your students. In order to really relate to them you may have to draw on personal experiences. Drawing on personal experiences can help your students feel as though you are human and not someone that in inexcessible. However, you don't to volunteer information that is more than the students need to know. Finding this balance can be challenging at times, but it is necessary to find a balance. Sharing personal information with your students personalizes your relationship and allows the students to feel more comfortable coming to you with potential problems or concers. Again, as a teacher, you can not attempt to take on all of your students concerns, but providing them with accessibility and a level of comfort will serve them well.

1 comment:

Malthus said...

Whoa, my view of the cultural collage is far different from ours; take a look at my blog and you will see the differences.